Celebrating Bob Geneve’s Retirement from UK
Dr. Robert Geneve has been a cornerstone of the IPPS community, serving on the International Board of Directors, receiving the Award of Merit in 2014, becoming an IPPS Fellow in 2003, and leading the Eastern Region as President from 2010–2011. Now, after more than three decades at the University of Kentucky, Bob is retiring—an occasion we’re marking with a casual drop-in celebration on Friday, January 31, from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm at West Sixth Brewery in Lexington, KY.
Whether you’ve known Bob for years or recently benefited from his expertise, please take a moment to share a short video clip, favorite photo, or heartfelt note. Even if you cannot attend the event in person, your words and images will be compiled into a virtual guest book that Bob will cherish for years to come.
Please send your materials by Tuesday, January 28, to either Rick.Durham@uky.edu or Cindy.Finneseth@uky.edu.
(You can provide a shared drive link if your files are too large to email.)
Let’s show our appreciation for Bob’s enduring contributions to horticulture and IPPS. We encourage everyone to take part in celebrating this milestone and honoring his incredible legacy!