Season’s Greetings IPPS Eastern Region
Seasons Greetings IPPS Eastern Region:
Happy Holidays! This is my favorite time of year. But not just for the Christmas season, the
music, movies, cookies, fudge and reindeer...but as one of the most reflective times of the year.
Right now, I’m reflecting on finding the quietness of the season (we really need snow to achieve
that in full) and not get caught up in only the busyness. I hope that you are found with visions of
IPPS dancing in your head.

What are you reflecting on right now? Text 302-723-6244. Results in January issue.
Thanks to those who answered last issue’s quiz question – What are you thankful for right now?
Various readers replied: family, friends, a fulfilling life, when my computer works LOL says a
reader in PA. Liz Erickson is thankful for modern medicine and a new knee! Plus all the support
and encouragement she felt from her IPPS friends during the process.
Your IPPS Eastern Region Board of Directors have been hard at work the past month meeting
and debating about finances, membership, planning for the Louisville conference, navigating
changing times and what that means for IPPS ER. Please contact me or any board member at anytime with feedback.
Get out there to seek and share.
Happy Holidays to you and your friends & family,
Shelby French
IPPS ER President