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A Heartfelt Farewell from President Palmieri

A Heartfelt Farewell from President Palmieri

September at last! As silly as it may seem, if any one thing has been the most challenging aspect of my year serving as President of the IPPS Eastern Region, it's been figuring out what to write in these newsletter addresses each month. To have something to say worthy of your time and attention is a prospect I have found daunting each and every one of the eleven times I've sat down to do this. I've talked about what I see and hear going on in the industry, I've talked about the organization itself and all the hard work being put in behind the scenes, I've talked more than a few times about my newborn daughter. As this year draws to a close and I sit down to do this for the last time as President of the Eastern Region, I finally don't have any issue figuring out what I want to say (rest assured I will still be finding a way to mention my daughter, nobody is getting out of hearing about her).

It’s been an honor to serve as President of the IPPS Eastern Region and what I want to talk about in this last newsletter address is easy; I want to talk about the people that make up this organization.

First, I must extend my deepest gratitude to my incredible fellow Executive Board members; Liz Erickson, Shelby French and Jeff Martindell. The three of them have been pillars of strength, wisdom, and the occasional swift kick to make things happen. Their commitment and unwavering insight, passion and energy have been invaluable, especially as I've navigated this role in the midst of the upheaval to my life that welcoming my first child came with (told you I'd be mentioning her).

On the topic of people who have been finding the way to make great things happen with the organization whilst welcoming new little ones, our Executive Secretary, Savanah Tanner does a tremendous amount to keep everything running smoothly, including having to clobber me to finish my newsletter article every month. She deserves more credit than we can ever give as she has to figure out how to settle into her role whilst simultaneously wrangling a dozen feral horticulturalists.

To the Board at large, your dedication, hard work, and the efforts of your committees are what make this organization thrive. It’s been a pleasure working alongside such talented and driven individuals. Without the volunteer work each board member contributes to the group, it would never be possible to do the things we do.

Lastly, of course the membership of the ER. What an energetic and gracious group of individuals. To all those who I have exchanged correspondence with this year through emails or over the phone, it has been and will continue to be a delight to be blessed with the privilege to be part of the spirit of seeking and sharing embodied by this organization.

It’s been a year filled with challenges, but also immense rewards. Our membership has climbed significantly this year as a direct result of the work done by all of the above people. I’ve been humbled by the opportunity to serve this incredible community. It’s truly been an experience I’ll cherish.

As we approach our upcoming conference, I sincerely hope to see as many of you there as possible. It’s always a highlight to gather in person and share the knowledge, camaraderie and laughs.

Thank you again for the privilege of serving as your President. It’s been an unforgettable year, and I’m incredibly grateful for the support I’ve received from this amazing organization.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!

For the last time in a newsletter,
Matt Palmieri
President, IPPS Eastern Region